Live Active El Paso

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Celebration of Our Mountains is now a Silver Partner with Live Active El Paso. Live Active is a free platform for El Pasoans created by the City of El Paso. By partnering with groups such as COM, it promotes better health and wellness by encouraging physical activity, improved nutrition and strong mental health. The focus on better health particularly makes sense during the outbreak of COVID-19 and the upcoming flu season.

Live Active is led by Diana Cepeda, the Strategic Initiatives Coordinator for the City. It is modeled after the City of El Paso’s Employee Wellness Program – Shape it Up El Paso.

Their Mission: To promote a healthy lifestyle and improved quality of life for all the El Paso Community by encouraging physical activity, improved nutrition, and mental health education.

Their Vision: Create a well-rounded healthy community with exceptional health and wellness educational opportunities.

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A BIG SHOUT OUT and THANKS to City Council Representative Peter Svarzbein for advocating for Celebration of Our Mountains with the City of El Paso and Live Active El Paso. Peter has also been a tireless advocate for the El Paso outdoors and its conservation. Thank you, Peter.