Plan to Watch "Borderland Treasures"

Sacred Heart Church, circa late 1950’s

Sacred Heart Church, circa late 1950’s

From our friend, Max Grossman:

Dear Friends and Media:

We are pleased to announce that El Paso County and Preservation Texas have engaged in a partnership with KTSM 9 News and Natassia Paloma to produce ten monthly primetime segments on the rich architectural heritage of El Paso.

The program is titled "Borderland Treasures: Exploring El Paso's Architecture."

The first episode will air on February 25 and focus on Sacred Heart Church in the Segundo Barrio, which is about to undergo a complete restoration.

You can view the new promotional on Facebook.

Enjoy your weekend!


Friends of the Trail Launched

River Park Trail.png

Good morning!

I hope you’re having a fantastic day. We're excited to announce that the Paso del Norte Trail has officially launched a Friends of the Trail program!

Through this program, trail users and supporters can become more involved with the trail and its initiatives by becoming a volunteer, an ambassador, a donor, or all three!

Trail Volunteers do everything from clean-ups to wildlife habitat restoration. As a volunteer, you will assist in restoring, conserving, and protecting the natural landscape of our trail network. You can sign up here.

Trail Ambassadors are a dedicated group of volunteers who assist trail users and the public in general with anything from directions and first aid to teaching them about the trail's history, flora, fauna, and amenities. Trail Ambassadors serve a much needed role in the trail, such as patrolling the trail, leading hikes, walks, and bike tours, and volunteering at informational booths for community events. You can sign up here.

Trail Donors are generous individuals who directly support trail development, amenities, and programming. We currently offer sponsorship packages that support specific initiatives of the trail. You can learn more here.

We are very excited about this program -- we believe it is a tremendous opportunity to support health and well-being in our community, and we hope you can help us support the Paso del Norte Trail. You can learn more about the program here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me and I’ll be more than happy to assist.

Thank you for your time and support--we sincerely appreciate it.


Miguel Fraga, MBA
Sustainability Specialist
Quantum Engineering Consultants, Inc.
720 Arizona Avenue
El Paso, Texas 79902
P: (915) 532-7272 ext 112
F: (915) 532-7373