We're Enthusiastic about Tippi Teas

Jose Murguia holding up the Golden Tonic Tea that he just sold me.

Jose Murguia holding up the Golden Tonic Tea that he just sold me.

I stopped in Tippi Teas at 2501 N. Stanton (MAP) yesterday (MAP) and asked if I could leave some of our 2020 Field Guide Brochures. Jose Murguia became an instant fan and wanted to know how he could help COM. If there is an 1 to 10 enthusiasm scale, most places where I go to take the brochures are a 5. (“OK. Sure. You can leave some here.) Murguia’s score was a 10 . . . heck, it was off the scale.

We have some great sponsors who we like to tell people about and we are grateful to them for their generous support. It is nice to have a genuinely passionate person about our program. It is great to highlight those businesses and organizations. Check out their website. They have two locations - one by UTEP, the other on the eastside.

COM looks forward to a long relationship with our friends at Tippi Teas.

BTW, they sell Tibetan Singing Bowls! How cool is that!


Off with a Bang!

COM Trost walk - group near Hotel Paso Del Norte - downtown El Paso Texas 6 Sept 2020 - Scott M Cutler photo DSC_8409 adj.jpg

Last weekend’s first two COM events were staggering successes. 36 people attended the River Walk and 35 made the Trost tour. Big thanks to our River Walk field trip leaders: Miguel Fraga of Creosote Collaborative, biologist and President of the El Paso-Trans Pecos Audubon Society, Scott Cutler, and Jana Renner, Program Officer with the Paso del Norte Community Foundation. Also big thanks to Dr. Max Grossman who led our Trost tour. Max got a huge round of applause after the tour. Everyone who started the tour, finished it 2 hours later. People requested more field trips like this one.

Coming up this weekend: hikes to both B-24 crash sites and a tour of the UTEP Chihuahuan Desert Gardens.

B-24 Plane Crashes LR (1).jpg
Desert Gardens LR (1).jpg