Checkout Our New Page: Trails and Table


Staying active, exercising and eating good foods are a big part of what Celebration of Our Mountains is all about. Since 1994, we have provided not just informative field trips but opportunities to get outdoors and be active.

Currently we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. “Social distancing” and “self-isolating” are terms that we have added to our vocabulary. We might get the idea that “hunkering down” in our houses with our toilet paper and bottled water is the best way to go. However, eating a healthy diet and staying active are essential to strong immune systems. This is why we have added a new page to our website, Trails and Table. And, since we are cancelling many of our events for awhile, it is key that each of us can find places to get out, get some sunshine, walk, run or bicycle. There are many benefits for doing these things.

We want to let you know about places in and around El Paso where you can get out and get some exercise. How long you walk or bicycle is up to you. Many places have paths less than a half mile. Walk some of it, all of it or repeat as you care to and have time for. We will keep expanding this new page with location maps and evaluation of the parks or trails.

In addition to staying active, eating good food is also essential to our healthy and immune systems. We will begin linking to good information, recipes and facts about health and disease.

So, let us be a resource and a guide. Remember: stay active, exercise and eat good foods.

Stay Tuned

Water Quality Lab Director, Richard Wilcox, answers questions about El Paso Water.

Water Quality Lab Director, Richard Wilcox, answers questions about El Paso Water.

Celebration of Our Mountains is beginning to put together a new page (or pages) of information about “healthy eating and active living” - themes of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation of El Paso, Texas. Especially during these times of COVID-19, it is important that we do everything to boost our immune systems. In particular, COM will publish a list of trails and parks that are easy for anyone to walk. The idea is to get out, get some fresh air and sunshine. (Okay - maybe not today. It’s raining again in El Paso. Unbelievable but most welcome.) There are a number of places to walk in any part of the city. Stay active. That’s one way to maintain healthy, strong immune systems.

As an aside, recently COM visited El Paso Water’s International Water Quality Laboratory. The event was quite successful and well attended for a workday event. This was at the end of February when social-distancing and self-isolation weren’t even in our vocabluary. The event is the last that we will do with El Paso Water until the current pandemic crisis is over - and it will end. Until then, they won’t do tours.

What the participants learned is that El Paso tests for all sorts of bad things in our water so those things can be removed and aren’t in our water when releasing it to us. They test for heavy metals, pesticides, hydrocarbons, germs and more.

Bottom line: El Paso water is super quality water. El Paso Water places the highest value on clean, safe water. There is no need to buy cases and cases of bottled water. The stuff coming out of your tap is great! Save some money and the earth from plastic bottle trash.