The Chihuahuan Desert Conference

Nov 6 to 8 Chihuahuan Desert Conference at El Paso Zoo .jpg

For more information contact Rick LoBell0, 915-212-2823

The Chihuahuan Desert Conference on November 6-8 is just a few months away.  To learn more about how to be a presenter and attend visit   

The deadline for Abstracts is September 1, the deadline for Registration is October 30.  You can receive a registration discount if you register by October 1.  We are blogging about the conference at and you can stay informed by entering your email address using the “follow” link.

The Chihuahuan Desert Conference hopes to bring together scientists, students, academics, land managers, and the public to build relationships and protect the Chihuahuan Desert and treasured public lands for future generations.  Conference presentations will be grouped around various topics relating to ongoing research projects, conservation initiatives and educational programs.

Chihuahuan Desert Conferences (or symposiums) were first held back in the 1970s.  This will be the second conference held in El Paso and the first at the Zoo.


It's Getting Hotter, El Paso

2018 visitors to the Weather Center

2018 visitors to the Weather Center

There was an interesting story in a recent El Paso Inc. edition: It’s not your imagination. El Paso is getting hotter. (In order to read the full story online, you will need a subscription to the digital Inc.)

The Inc. visited with Tom Bird, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Santa Teresa. Tom points out that, on average, there have been 25% more days over 100 degrees in the past 30 years. What was really interesting was something we all have probably realized already. El Paso’s weather is about a month behind climatological normals. The cool day that we had in May usually comes in April. This year July, not June, was our hottest month. Our monsoon season really hasn’t begun. We used to expect some rain at the beginning of July. Bird expects the monsoon to begin this month or next. Wow!

Celebration of Our Mountains will be visiting the Weather Center on November 23rd beginning at 10AM. It’s a field trip to make especially if you have questions about climate change, weather patterns and forecasting.

See you there.