Always Check Our Events Page

The main Fall program is just about done. There is still a Prehistoric Trackways Discovery Site guided hike on December 15. Led by BLM Ranger, Colin Dunn, these have been hugely well-attended this year.

However, keep checking our calendar and our events page. We will continue promoting events from other groups in El Paso (e.g., Frontera Land Alliance). We will also add events from time to time.

I’ll say more later about our Celebrate STEAM and Celebrate El Paso History field trips coming up after the first of the year.

On the 15th of December, you will also have the option of another trip to the El Paso Tin Mines. This one will be led by geologist and EPCC and UTEP geologists. It is another Rob Rohrbaugh Geo-Ventures outing and an addition to our events calendar.

Geo Ventures Tin Mine Hike.jpg

We Tour the National Weather Service



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30 people enjoyed Saturday’s trip to the El Paso Weather Forecast Office. Lance Tripoli shared a variety of weather data, equipment (including a weather balloon) and weather facts. He also forwarded two great slide presentations to Celebration of Our Mountains with a shout out to Mr. Jason Laney and other meteorologists here for making these slides:


El Paso Fun Facts!