Sitting Bull Falls Draws Quite a Crowd

Photo by Michael Romero 

Photo by Michael Romero


29 people participated in a day of fun on Saturday's trip to Sitting Bull Falls. All 29 were regular El Paso Hiking Group members. Check this group out. Become a member. There are currently 1,615 members who go on exciting hikes in and around El Paso.

The El Paso Hiking Group is the creation of Michael Romero. El Paso has a history of hiking groups. The Ridgewalkers and Sunrise Hikers come to mind. However, nothing compares to Michael's group. It has brought El Paso hiking to thousands of El Pasoans.

Photo by Amanda R

Photo by Amanda R

Photo by Linda Muniz Martinez

Photo by Linda Muniz Martinez

More on Prehistoric Trackways

Image from Twitter by Sally Jewell, the former Secretary of the Interior

Image from Twitter by Sally Jewell, the former Secretary of the Interior

Once again, from the Las Cruces BLM office pamphlet about the Prehistoric Trackways:

Marine fossils tell of times when the sea took over parts of the land and then receded leaving shells, corals and microscopic organisms behind in thick slabs of limestone. Multiple layers of petrified wood laid out and buried (some even burnt and turned into petrified charcoal) show a picture of violent weather causing blow downs [vegetation blown down by the wind]. Plant fossils display what the botanical environment was like. Miles of sites with tracks from tiny amphibians to large reptiles show where animals roamed, how they walked, and glimpses into their lives. Even insect and invertbrate tracks and burrows display pictures of ancient life."

Join the trek to the past this Saturday, August 18th, beginning at 8AM at the Trackways.