All of Our Earth Month Events Have Been Hits

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Our 2018 Earth Month events have been very successful. Just this past weekend there were 60 paricipants (and two dogs) at Preserving the Franklin Mountains and 50 at Dr. Hyder's Cacti, Lizards and Things that Creep in the Night.

Regarding the Preserving the Franklin Mountains event, Judy Ackerman sent this message out:

Thank you SO much for your assistance with the Preserve the Franklins Beginner Hike on Saturday!

I sure had fun and hope you did too.  In fact, let’s do it again for Celebration of Our Mountains in the Fall. 

If you are available to help again on Monday 3 Sep (Labor Day), please let me know.

I’m including Tom Robinson and Christi DeBates in case they can join us in September.

Here’s some brief notes.

60 hikers.  Two or three dogs.  Contributions = $53 for Franklin Mountains State Park.  About 2 hrs.

Fred parked at Zircon and Westline to direct those who went to the wrong place – at least 4 cars.

Kathy Barton helped with the sign in sheet and paperwork.

Scott Cutler talked about creation of FMSP, preservation of Castner, etc. 

Judy talked about Knapp land purchase and general safety while hiking.

We hiked up the southern, more rocky road.

Marilyn told us about the Native American suggestion that we touch the earth at 9 am.

At the “eye” in the road, Carol Brown took most hikers north up the ridge to look into “Knapp Canyon” or Hondo Pass.  Then they rejoined the group.

On the way back, Carol took many hikers into the Mountain Park dam. 

Our next and last Earth Month event is Scenic Sundays: A Walk through Time organized by Dr. Eric Kappus.

Visit El Paso Links to Us!


Visit El Paso, the online presence of Destination El Paso, has linked to our Earth Month calendar on this site and then has posted our events on their events calendar. Pretty cool! Thank you Destination El Paso!

Leesy McCorgary, the Digital Marketing Manager, emailed:

Good Morning Mr. Tolbert,

Attached you will find a snapshot of homepage ( placement.  This links to  Each event has also been listed on the calendar and app.  Links to each event are below.  Thank you and feel free to contact us with any questions.