Keystone Heritage Park is filled with lush gardens.
Expect a number of posts about Keystone Heritage Park the El Paso Desert Botanical Garden and the Kevin von Finger Wetlands. Entrance to the park is just $2 and there is an iron ranger that will gladly take your fee and donation, of course.
Today I just ambled. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular although I could have concentrated on the diverse gardens, the art, the history exhibits or birding. One thing I discovered is that the park is a great place to try out your iNaturalist app. Here are just 3 examples of what I saw:
Mexican buckeye, Ungnadia speciosa. I collected some seeds.
Chocolate daisies, Berlandiera lyrata
Turpentine bush, Ericameria laricfolia. It needs some care.
I will be going back and back. Hopefully you will join me with your iNaturalist app, a pair of binoculars for birding and a soul ready for beauty and wonder.
The park is full of artwork. I just happened to come across this mosaic (one of three). It was produced by Lupe Casillas (Lowenberg) in 2009.